> Životopisy > > > Životopis Massimiliana Fuksase - anglicky

Životopis Massimiliana Fuksase - anglicky

Kategorie: Přírodovědné a technické obory, Humanitní a ekonomické obory

Typ práce: Životopisy

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Stručný životopis jednoho z předních světových architektů v anglickém jazyce. V úvodu se dočteme o jeho rodišti, dále o místech, ve kterých působil. Práce dále uvádí školy, které vystudoval a ve kterých později pracoval. Nechybí ani informace o oceněních a příklady jeho nejznámějších staveb.


Studentská léta
Univerzitní profesor
Nejznámější stavby


"He became an architect almost by accident: "I started as a painter and thought I could be a film maker, but I thought I would give architecture a go…“ So he opened his first office in Rome in 1967 and in 1969 he graduated there in Architecture at "La Sapienza" University. Later, in 1989, he established branch office in Paris, followed by an office in Vienna in 1993, in Frankfurt in 2002 and in Shenzen in 2008.
To his major positions belong participation in the 12th and 13th Paris Biennial (1982 and 1985), membership in Urban commission of Berlin and Salzburg (1994-1997), directorship of the VII. Biennial of Architecture in Venice (1998-2000), writing architectural column in the weekly magazine "L'Espresso"(since January 2000) and other. He was Visiting Professor at several universities, such as the Speciale d'Architecture in Paris, the Akademie der Bildenden Kunste in Vienna, the Staadtliche Akademia des Bildenden Kunste in Stoccarda, and the Columbia University in New York.
He is also holder lot of awards. Most recently he was awarded the Legion d'Honneur by the French president Nicolas Sarkozy in 2010, got "Gold Medal" with the project Zenith Music Hall and "Honorable Mention for Public Spaces and Infrastructures" with the project S Paolo parish complex in 2009, gained "Cubo d'Oro" Award in 2007, became member of the Architecture Academy in Paris in 2005 or got Honorary Fellowship of the AIA-American Institute of Architects in 2002."



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