> Seminárky/Referáty > > Česká republika - anglicky

Česká republika - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Stručná charakteristika České republiky - poloha, rozloha, sousední státy, pohoří, povodí. Zalesnění a přírodní rezervace. Krasové oblasti. Charakteristika nerostného bohatství, průmyslu a zemědělství, státní organizace. Praha - charakteristika, památky (Hradčany, Pražský hrad, Nové Město, chrám Sv. Víta, Karlův most, Staroměstské náměstí, Týnský chrám, Staroměstská radnice, Václavské náměstí, Národní muzeum).


Charakteristika ČR
Krasové oblasti
Průmysl, zemědělství


"The country is heavy forested. Around one-third of the total area of the country is forested. The forests provide a habitat for a wide variety of wildlife. Nature reserves and national parks can be found throughout the country. The largest are in the Krkonoše and the Šumava. There are several karst regions in the country with remarkable caves. In the Moravian Karst there is an abyss and an underground river.
Czech weather is moderate but unpredictable.
Although the country is not very rich in natural resources with the exception of coal, it is highly industrialized. Its most important industries are steel, machinery, textiles, and food processing.... The agriculture is developed and so the country is almost self-sufficient in agricultural production. The economy of the country depends on foreign trade. The main partners are Germany, Austria and Slovakia.
The population of the country is slightly higher than 10 million people, mostly Czechs.
The Czech Republic is a democratic country. Head of the state is President, elected for a five-year period by the Parliament. The Parliament comprises two Houses - the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The executive power is in the hands of the Government headed by the Prime Minister."



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