> Čtenářský deník > Obsahy a rozbory děl > > Oscar Wilde: Obraz Doriana Graye - anglicky

Oscar Wilde: Obraz Doriana Graye - anglicky

Kategorie: Evropská literatura do 20. století

Typ práce: Obsahy a rozbory děl

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tato práce je psána jako čtenářský deník angličtině. Popisuje krátce autorův život a dílo The Picture of Dorian Gray (Obraz Doriana Graye). Zejména o jaký žánr se jedná, hlavní myšlenku díla a v závěru práce je autorův vlastní názor.


Oscar Wilde
Obraz Doriana Graye
Vlastní názor


"Oscar Wilde was one of the most considerable authors in England, excellent speaker, philosopher, poet and dramatist. He fascinated and also disgusted Victorian human society with his opinions and his behavior. His plays and children’s stories are still enjoyed today, although they were written almost 100 years ago.

The Picture of Dorian Gray :
- his only novel
- published in 1890
- action : The story tells about talented painter Basil Hallward who was fascinated with very beautiful young man Dorian Gray. He started to paint him and one day introduced the picture to Dorian. "I wish I could always stay young and that the picture could grow old instead of me." cried Dorian when he saw his beautiful face on the picture because he was influenced by his friend. This Dorian´s wish came true. He started a decadent way of his life, his only aim was to enjoy beauty and delights. As the story unfolds, we can see that his appearance stayed young without any changes but his picture grew old as he wished. The more he was bad and cruel, the more the picture was ugly. Finally he was really frightened of that so he decided to destroy his picture. But he died together with the picture as very old wrinkled man.
- theme: to show that the beauty doesn’t mean everything we can get to know „the proverb“ – „what we do bad for other people, we will get it back“!



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