> Seminárky/Referáty > > Tázací zájmena - anglicky

Tázací zájmena - anglicky

Kategorie: Nauky o anglickém jazyce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: Vyšší odborná škola ekonomických studií, Gymnázium, Střední průmyslová škola potravinářských technologií a Střední odborná škola přírodovědná a veterinární, Praha 2, Podskalská 10, Praha 2

Charakteristika: Práce v heslech charakterizuje tázací zájmena, vypisuje je, věnuje se jejich postavení ve větě. V příkladech rozlišuje, kdy jsou ta samá zájmena ve větách tázací, vztažná a osobní. Věnuje se také problematice rozlišení who a whom.


Interrogative pronouns
List of interrogative words in English
Interrogative determiner
Interrogative pro-form
Who vs whom
Examples of interrogative pronouns in which the interrogative pronoun stands in for the answer to the question
In these examples, the same words are relative pronoun
In these examples, the same words are personal pronoun


“List of interrogative words in English:
• interrogative determiner
o which, what
o whose (interrogative possessive determiner)

• interrogative pro-form
o interrogative pronoun
 who, whom (human)
 what, which (nonhuman)
These pronouns can be personal or non-personal. We can find "who", "whom" and occasionally "which" used to refer to people and "which" and "what" used to refer to things and to animals.
An interrogative pronoun may look like an interrogative adjective, but it is used differently in a sentence: it acts as a pronoun, taking the place of a noun.
In addition, these pronouns may be in the compounds formed with the suffixes "-ever" or "-soever" and it is because of an emphasis of these words:
1. "-ever": "whoever", "whomever", "whichever" and "whatever"
2. "-soever": "whosoever"
"Who" acts as the subject of a verb, while "whom" acts as the object of a verb, preposition or a verbal.
Who is the subject and whom is the object.

In connection with an interrogative pronoun is a preposition placed at the end or at the begining of the sentence:
Who did you speak about?
About whom did you speak?
What town do you live in?
In what town do you live?"


Vyšší odborná škola a SPŠPT, Podskalská 10, Praha 2



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