> Čtenářský deník > Obsahy a rozbory děl > > Charlotte Brontëová: Jana Eyrová (Jane Eyre)

Charlotte Brontëová: Jana Eyrová (Jane Eyre)

Kategorie: Evropská literatura do 20. století

Typ práce: Obsahy a rozbory děl

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce v anglickém jazyce uvádí stručnou biografii Charlotte Brontë, po které se věnuje románu Jane Eyreová. Rozebírá děj knihy a její téma. V závěru je uveden autorčin názor na toto slavné literární dílo.


Biografie Charlotte Brontë
Kniha Jana Eyrová
Děj knihy
Téma knihy
Vlastní názor autorky


"She came from England and she was born in 1816. She didn’t have a plain life – she had to take over the deaths of her two young sisters ( in a boarding school) and also strict father’s behaviour.
She was a sister of Anne Brontë and Emily Brontë. The three sisters are almost as famous for their short, tragic lives as for their novels. In their works they described love more truly that was common in Victorian age England. In the past 40 years Charlotte Brontë's reputation has risen rapidly.
The story Jane Eyre was her the most famous book and she wrote it in her twenties.

Jane Eyre :
- novel
- published in 1847
- it‘s set in England in the first half of the 19th century
- action : The introduction tells about the Jane’s hard childhood, she didn’t
have parents so she had to be with her not so kind aunt. As the story unfolds, we see Jane like a mature woman and her relationship with older and wealthy man. Then there is an exciting and dangerous plot when Jane leaves a man and she goes to other towns. But finally she came back to a man she really loves. He was injured by the fire of a big house where his mad wife died and now he is blind. Jane stays with him, looks after him and they both are happy in the end.
- theme : everything is about a heroine’s difficult and interesting life
It’s based on the Charlotte’s experiences in her life."



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