> Seminárky/Referáty > > Chudoba, třídní chudoba - anglicky

Chudoba, třídní chudoba - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce se velice stručně věnuje chudobě. Zmiňuje se o situaci v USA v roce 1992. Charakterizuje chudobu a krátce se zabývá jejími druhy. Pojednává o třídní chudobě.


Situace v USA v roce 1992
Sociální a politické předpoklady chudoby
Druhy chudoby
Třídní chudoba


"Types of Poverty
To those who are poor, poverty would seem to have no differences.
But four kinds of poverty have been described: class, regional, cyclical, and case.
Each is a response to different social or economic circumstances.

Class poverty.

In many nations there are social classes that occupy a low status in relation to the rest of the population.
Sometimes these classes are relegated to a low status by law, sometimes by custom or discrimination (see Segregation; Social Class).
In India the caste system has created numerous classes whose members are often locked into poverty for life (see India, "Caste").
The burakumin in Japan are another example.
In many countries some ethnic minorities occupy the lowest rungs on the economic ladder.
This is true of many black and Hispanic Americans in the United States.
It has also proved true for the "guest workers" in Northen Europe - individuals who migrated northward from poorer nations to find work after World War II.

Because class poverty is often the result of prejudice and discrimination, it tends to perpetuate itself from one generation to the next.
When this happens a "culture of poverty" develops.
The term was coined by sociologist Oscar Lewis in his book "The Children of Sánchez" (1961) about a Mexico City slum family.
A similar culture of poverty among blacks in the United States was documented by Gunnar Myrdal in "An American Dilemma" (1944)."



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