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Hora Fuji - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Text velmi stručně pojednává o hoře Fuji. Informuje o historii této sopky a popisuje nám ji z geografického hlediska. Poslední část je věnována jejím erupcím.


Volcano type


"Volcano type

Mount Fuji is a composite volcano - that means that it contains of lava flows and pyroclastics. It also means that it might be dangerous - a violent explosion can occur. The magma that forms composite volcanoes has a lot of silica, water and gases.
It is interesting that it contains 3 cones. The first one, Komitake is very old - from Pleistocene, another is Older Fuji cone and it mostly threw pyroclastics when it was active. Nowadays is New Fuji the only one that is active. It started its activity about 11 000 years ago. Mount Fuji is also the highest mountain in Japan, it reaches 3776 meters above water. The volcano is very symmetric, snow stay at the peak whole year.


Mount Fuji is in Japan, West from the capital, Tokyo. On clear days it is possible to see the volcano from the city. It is location is: longitude - 138 degrees 45'1"E and latitude - 35 degrees 21'5"N.
Mount Fuji is one of the best known images from Japan. Every Japanese is supposed to climb it at least once in his/her lifetime. Because of that there is a lot of tourist going up the mountain. The favorite time to climb it is night, because sunrise on the peak of the mountain is really wonderful. Near the mountain there are nice five lakes: Motosuko, Shojinko, Kawaguchi, Yamanako, Subarshiri, it is also frequently visited area.


Historically, we know that there were 16 eruptions since 781 AD, 12 of them happened from 800 to 1083. In 864 there was an eruption on the north-east side of Mount Fuji that caused a great amount of lava flow. The lava totally destroyed lake Senoumi, divided it to two lakes. Today it is covered by forest.
The most recent eruption was in 1707. It threw a large amount of volcanic ash in to air. The cloud was so big that in Edo (today's Tokyo) was dark even in the noon. An interesting fact is that this eruption happened 49 days after the most powerful earthquake that ever occured in Japan. There are no known human causalities.
Volcanic eruptions made soil around the volcano more fertile, it attracts tourist movement - every year about 200,000 people climb it. There is a magnetic field disfunction, because of magnetic minerals in the mountain. Several people have died there, because they were lost - their compass was showing a wrong direction."


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