> Seminárky/Referáty > > Tvary - anglicky

Tvary - anglicky

Kategorie: Nauky o anglickém jazyce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: Vyšší odborná škola a Střední průmyslová škola Žďár nad Sázavou Vyšší odborná škola a Střední průmyslová škola, Studentská 1, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou, Žďár nad Sázavou

Charakteristika: Anglicky psaná práce nejprve popisuje zkušenosti autorky s učením se tvarům a poté zmiňuje využití tvarů v renesanční a moderní architektuře. Autorka dále popisuje své preference ohledně tvarů a zmiňuje další možné využití slova "shape".


Zkušenost autorky s učením se tvarům
Tvary v renesanční a moderní architektuře
Autorka a tvary
Další využití slova "shape"



There are so many shapes around us. My first shape i was able to recognize was a circle. It reminded me a ball, my favourite toy.

Our math teacher taught us how to recognize them. We started with most common and the easiest shapes as triangle, rectangle and square. We had to know how many sides each shape have or what the content is.(obsah)

It was much worst with circle, oval (ouvl), cube, cone, cylinder or sphere. In my opinion this is very difficult math and i didn’t get it very well. (moc dobre jsem to nepochopila)

A renaissance architecture is famous because of a dome-shaped roof. One of them is in Rome or in London (Saint Paul cathedral). (kesidr)

Modern architecture uses so many square and rectangle shapes. I like it but i prefer mix of shapes. It doesn’t look so strict. My dream house should have big rectangle windows and French doors and circle-shaped small trees around the whole house.

I love baking, especially cakes and gingerbread (pernik) and i always use star and heart-shaped cutter.

We can use a word shape when we talk about women´s body. it is called body shape. I´m apple-shaped and my further sister-in-law is pear-shaped."


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