> Čtenářský deník > Obsahy a rozbory děl > > Richard Curtis: Čtyři svatby a jeden pohřeb

Richard Curtis: Čtyři svatby a jeden pohřeb

Kategorie: Evropská literatura od 20. století

Typ práce: Obsahy a rozbory děl

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce seznamuje s knihou Richarda Curtise Čtyři svatby a jeden pohřeb (Four Weddings and A Funeral). Nejprve je krátce přiblížen život autora, následuje přehled postav díla a shrnutí jeho děje. Práci uzavírá vlastní názor na knihu.


Richard Curtis
Hlavní postavy
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Obsah díla
Vlastní názor


Sirena: An affectionate young woman, who falls in love with David. She learns sign language specially so that she can communicate with him.

Bernard: Tom’s best friend. He and Lydia get together at the first wedding, and theirs is the second wedding in the story.

Lydia: Laura’s bridesmaid at the first wedding. She doesn’t think much of Bernard at the beginning, but quickly changes her mind when he start to kiss her.

Gerald: A young priest. He is still studying at the time of the first wedding. He is ready to take the second wedding service in the story but he is not very self-confident.


The story starts a summer Saturday morning, when Charles a slept. He should be on his way to Angus and Laura’s wedding. Charles is always late, and he is always going to weddings. But they are always other people’s weddings, never his own. He has had plenty of girlfriends, but he is worried that he will never find the right woman to marry. Henrietta, one of his old girlfriends, thinks that he has a big problem with women. But when he does meet a beautiful woman called Carrie, he wants to be with her very much. The trouble is, he can’t decide quickly enough, an she marries another man.


Velmi stručné, práce obsahuje gramatické chyby. Nadpisy některých pasáží jsou v češtině.



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Four_Weddings_and_a_Funeral.doc (32 kB)
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