How to make jam from chokeberry

Chokeberry can be safely called a champion in the content of many vitamins and useful trace elements. The content of vitamins of group P (they are also called bioflavonoids), C and iodine is several times (up to 20 times) higher than in the well-known currants, citrus fruits and raspberries. Perhaps you are too lazy to bother with pasteurizing juice or cooking candied fruits from this berry. There is a simple solution! Such a jam from black-fruited mountain ash will provide your family with vitamins for a long winter. And not only. . .

The description of useful properties can take more than one page: it normalizes the work of the digestive organs (especially with low acidity) and stabilizes cholesterol, normalizes intracranial and arterial pressure, lowers clotting and is extremely useful for the heart and blood vessels. Mountain ash is not a weak antioxidant and is recommended for use in cancer and allergic diseases.

And after all, it's not only healthy - it's delicious! A great substitute for pseudo-chocolate paste for your kids!

We cook jam from chokeberry!

For each kilogram of sugar, you will need a kilogram of the remaining components. That is, for 1 kg of sugar, we take 1 large orange, 1 large lemon, 1 cup of walnut kernels and about 500 grams of mountain ash.

In my case, we cook based on 3 kg of sugar: 3 large oranges, 3 large lemons, 3 cups of walnuts and mountain ash to a total weight of 3 kg (I got 1kg 600 gr). It turns out a little more than 6 liters of ready-made jam. The calorie content in 100 g is 262 kcal.

* Wash the rowan and peel it from the bunches, put it in a colander to drain excess water. Part of the berries can be postponed (if you want whole berries to come across in the jam).

* Wash citrus fruits with a soft washcloth under running water. Lower it into boiling water for 5-10 seconds (to remove the bitterness from the zest) and cut into slices.

* Put citrus fruits, mountain ash and walnuts through a meat grinder, cover with sugar, mix and put on medium heat. Constantly stirring, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook stirring for another 5 minutes.

* Remove from heat and roll into pre-sterilized jars (in my case, the jars of 0.5 liters sterilized for 15 minutes over steam). At night, wrap up with a warm blanket, the next day you can move it to the pantry.

Chokeberry jam is very good in itself and will help you out more than once in situations where you need a delicious sweet (but not cloying sauce).

Enjoy your appetite! ! ! сделало его деятельность на территории Узбекистана абсолютно легальной и позволило использовать домен mosbet В подвале сайта в левом нижнем углу всегда размещена ссылка, с помощью которой можно убедится в актуальности лицензии.

