> Seminárky/Referáty > > Světová banka a Mezinárodní měnový fond - anglicky

Světová banka a Mezinárodní měnový fond - anglicky

Kategorie: Banky

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce se zaměřuje na popis činnosti Světové banky a Mezinárodního měnového fondu, a to včetně krátké historie a zaměření těchto institucí.


Světová banka a Mezinárodní měnový fond
Světová banka
Mezinárodní banka pro obnovu a rozvoj
Mezinárodní asociace pro rozvoj
Mezinárodní měnový fond


"1. The World Bank and Internationl Monetary Fund

In this presentation I will try to show the diferences between these organisations. By different ways both do help to reduce global poverty and improve developement of poor countries. While IMF gives advises the WB is one who gives money to the countries.
2. WB – The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C, USA
The World bank is a stable source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Nobody should take the WB as bank in the common sense. The WB is made up of two unique institutions owned by 185 member countries – The International Bank for Reconstruction and Developement (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Each plays a different role during global poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards. Together provide low interest loans, interest free credit and grants to developing countries for education, health, infrastructure, communications and many other purposes.
The main bodies of the World bank is the President of WB, who is responsible for management of the bank. And the Executive Directors who make up the Boards of Directors of the WB who. All member states are shareholders represented by Board of Governers who meet once a year at annual meetings.

2. 1. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

- Established 1944 as the original instituion of World bank group,
- focuses on middle income and creditworthy poor countries
- developement through loans, guearantees, risk management product, analytical and advisory services,
- target to bring benefit to all 185 member countries,
- Annual meeting in september 2006 the WB ageed to make further improvements to services that provides to its members. As well agreed to meet more often as they want to satisfy all demands of middle-income countries.

2. 2. International Development Association (IDA)
- focuses on the poorest countries in the world,
- established in 1960,
- provides interest free loans and grants for programs that help to ecomic growth, reduce inequality, and improve people living conditions,
- assists to 82 poorest countries, 39 of them are in Africa,
- IDA lends money (known as credits) on concessional (snižený) terms. This means that IDA credits have no interest charge and repayments are stretched over 35 to 40 years, including a 10-year grace (odkad) period.
- credits and grants have totaled US$161 billion, averaging US$7–9 billion a year in recent years and directing the largest share, about 50 percent, to Africa,"


Škola mezinárodních a veřejných vztahů Praha, Vyšší odborná škola, Střední odborná škola, s.r.o.



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