My daily routine

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Zápisky z hodin

Škola: Střední průmyslová škola, Karviná, příspěvková organizace, Karviná - Hranice

Charakteristika: Práce se zaměřuje na krátkou úvahu na téma Můj denní režim. Je psána v anglickém jazyce a v druhé části je tato úvaha přeložena do českého jazyka.


Můj denní režim


"I usually get up around half past six because I have to go to school. But at the weekend I get up at about nine o‘clock. After I get up I go to the toilet. Then I have breakfast. When I finish my breakfast I go to the bathroom. There I wash my face, brush my teeth and do my hair. Then I get dressed. I like wearing jeans and some T-shirt but it depends on the weather. In winter I have to wear a jumper and a thick jacket. When it‘s snowing I have a winter cap. In summer I can wear a skirt and a T-shirt. After I get dressed I make up my face. It depends on my mood. Then I have to go to the bus stop. I go by bus for about five minutes and then I go for about three minutes by tram. Then I go about ten minutes on foot. On average I am at school for six hours. Sometimes it’s boring. My favourite subjects are English and Economics. My least favourite subject is Math. Every Wednesday I have to go to practise. There I am only for two or three hours. I usually come home about two o‘clock p.m. and I have lunch.
In the afternoon I usually watch TV, play computer games or study. Sometimes I go to downtown or to the cinema. At the weekend I only relax. Sometimes I read some books too.
In the evening I have a shower and then I watch TV or listen to the radio. Sometimes I go with my friends to the disco.
I go to bed at about ten o‘clock.
2) My Daily Routine
It seems my life is always very full of activities and obligations so I never have much time for myself. During the week it's the worst. I usually have to get up at half past six even though I would really prefer to sleep much later. After I get up I perform my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, and then deciding what to wear. After I get dressed I brush my hair. I usually don’t have time for breakfast in the morning because I have to catch a bus at seven o'clock for my commute to school. The bus is usually completely packed and it really makes me envy my schoolmates who don't have to ride the bus to school. Classes at school start at a quarter to eight except on Tuesdays when they start at seven. Each class has its own timetable so my schedule varies by class."


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