> Seminárky/Referáty > > Poporodní období (After the childbirth) - anglicky

Poporodní období (After the childbirth) - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina, Zdravotnická škola

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: V anglicky psané práci se autor věnuje období po porodu. Popisuje pocity, které může novopečená matka mít. Zabývá se také fyzickými změnami těla po porodu a doporučenou a nevhodnou stravou. V závěru pak zdůrazňuje nutnost najít si čas jen sama pro sebe.


Poporodní pocity
Tělo a fyzické změny po porodu
Potrava po porodu
Nevhodná strava
Doporučená strava
Čas pro sebe samou


„After the childbirth
Many women are nosey (zvědavý, curious) how will they feel after the birth. I thing what shall I say them. It´s very difficult question because the status after the birth is various. For instance, they´ll feel:
- Alert(bdělý) and happy
- Exhilarated(rozveselený), excited(vzrušený)
- Physically, mentally and emotionally comfortabled (spokojený)
- Bruised (pohmožděný) and battered (otlučený), tired
- Dazed (jako ve snách), surprised
- Exhausted (uhoněný, tired out)
- Disappointed (zklamaný, let down)
- Depresssed
- Made easier (ulevit) – that you have a healthy baby etc.

All these states are normal because they are activating (osvobodit) from a gigant physical upheaval (převratné změny). They are be allowed to hold, look at and tolk to them babies. During the first hours after the birth they can also expect to start them babies to feeding by breast, if they plan to breast – feed.
Within 10 minutes after childbirth, the placenta divides (oddělit se) from the uterus and exites out (opustit). She may be given oxytocin to help this process along. Her contractions will continue until after the placenta is divided, so she may have to concentrate and breathe through this uncomfortable stage.

Body´s physical changes after the childbirth
During pragnancy and birth, the mother´s body underwent (snést, vytrpět) some gigant changes. For example:
- The women will has a discharge (výtok) – lochia. At. First it´s mixed with blood, then it becomes brownish and finally yellowish white. It can continue for up to a month in rests (kousky, zbytky).
- Uterus will get rapidly smaller and contract back to it´s normal size and position. Within six weeks of delivery, it will also be close to it´s pre-pregnant weight. Breastfeeding will accelerated (urychlovat) this process.
- Vagina will gradually win again (znovu získat) much of it´s former (dřívější) tone (barva).
- Pelvic bottom (pánevní dno) will return to near its usuall position.
- Grazes (odřeniny) and ruptures to the neck of the uterus, the vagina and the perineum (the area between the vaginal opening and the anus) usually heal quickly, an episiotomy may take longer. Stitches may be painfull.
- Breasts will be soft, as they contain a type of milk called colostrum, which is exactly what a newborn baby needs. Over the first week this changes to mature (zralý, hotovy) breast milk. If you wan´t to breast-feed or don´t take some choose to breastfeed you will feel hot, swollen and hard.breasts. There is a big hazard to had a mastitis.
- Nipples wiil became sensitive and the first 10 – 20 seconds of each feed may be very uncomfortable. This usually begins to ease off after about the fifth day.
- Backache
- Haemorrhoids – the couse is the big pressure of head to the mothers tissue near the anus.”


Český překlad méně známých anglických slovíček je vždy uveden v závorce.



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