> Maturitní otázky > > > British, American and Czech education system

British, American and Czech education system

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Českoslovanská akademie obchodní Dr. Edvarda Beneše, střední odborná škola, Praha 2, Resslova 8, Praha 2

Charakteristika: Práce obsahuje stručně vypracovanou maturitní otázku z anglického jazyka na téma britský, americký a český vzdělávací systém.


Školní systém v Británii
Školní systém v ČR
Školní systém v USA


"British, Czech and American education system
British education
There is a compulsory schooling in Great Britain. Children have eleven years of obligatory school together. Their school day starts generally at 9 a. m. and they finish at about 4 p. m. Quite opposite to us, the British have just six weeks of summer holiday but they more holidays during the school year, e. g. at Easter.
At the age of eleven they can continue at secondary school. When they are sixteen, all students have to take GCSE exams, which is a General Certificate of Secondary Education. After that they can leave school and star work, go on for vocational training or go to study at a university. If they want to study at a university, they have stay two more years on their school as “six formers” and take the “A-levels”, meaning advanced level, an exam take in two or three subjects.
There are many types of school in Britain, e. g. Secondary Modern School, Grammar School for more gifted pupils and Comprehensive Schools, which are non-selective and most spread as they are for all children of all abilities.
Private schools in the UK are very expensive. Most of them are boarding schools. These schools are single-sex and they have uniforms which are students usually proud of."



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