> Maturitní otázky > > > Moderní informační technologie - anglicky

Moderní informační technologie - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina, Počítače/informatika

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce se zabývá moderními informačními technologiemi - počítači, internetem a mobilními telefony. U každého druhu stručně zmiňuje jeho historii, funkci a základní charakteristiky.


Moderní informační technologie
Mobilní telefony


◦ computers
◦ the Internet
◦ mobil telephones

One of the charasteristics of 20th and 21th century is rapid advance in informaton technology. Multimedia now enables a great integration of sound, text and picture. Users can go through various types of digital information.

A computer is usually used for writing documents or letters, making graphs, sending e-mails or finding information.
Each computer has a hardware and a software.
The hardware consits of a central processing unit (CPU), a sreen, a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. Using the mouse, we can do a lot of thinks by clicking on different icons.
For printing we use a laser printer. There are also portable computers called laptops.
The software means the programs needed to work the machines. These programs are on disks, e.g. hard disk inside the computer or on floppy disks.
More and more people are becoming computer-literete, it means they have experience of working with computers and know how to use them. Programs and machines are user-friendly as well, it means they are easy to use.
If the computer is slow it may need more memory. Sometimes the computer may crash (stop working) if there is not enough memory or if it has a bug. A bug is a software problem or also a virus. That´s why it´s better to make a back-up copy of our work."



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