> Maturitní otázky > > > Political system in USA and GB

Political system in USA and GB

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Českoslovanská akademie obchodní Dr. Edvarda Beneše, střední odborná škola, Praha 2, Resslova 8, Praha 2

Charakteristika: Práce popisuje stručně systém v USA a VB v anglickém jazyce.


British Goverment
American goverment


"British Goverment
Great britain is a Constitutional monarchy with the Queen Elizabeth II. as a head of state. She is also the main person of the armed force. She is Head of the Commonwealth.
The British Parliament consists of the sovereign, the house of Lords (hereditery,bishops,arcibishops), House of Commons (with 650 members)
The house of Lords makes laws. The house of Common is the place, where do forms a goverment.
Cabinet and the Queen name the Prime Minister.
Scotland has its own parliament.His residence is in Edinburgh.
The Government is led by the Prime Minister, who selects all the remaining Ministers.

The Prime Minister and the other most senior Ministers belong to the supreme decision-making committee, known as the Cabinet.

The current Prime Minister is David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party."



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