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Rostliny a zvířata - anglicky maturitní otázka

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o vypracovanou maturitní otázku z angličtiny, která se věnuje výpisu některých slovíček z této oblasti, dále pak představuje různé zahrady nebo způsoby, jakými se člověk chová ke zvířatům a přírodě.


Flowers and animals
a) Flowers and plants
b) Conservation of wildlife
c) Animal killed for profit
d) Domestic animals
e) Vivi-section
f) Cruelty to animals
g) Zoos


"1. flowers and plants
Many people are interested in gardening. If someone is very good gardener, he/she is a greenfinger. Women like flowers, modern trend is to have natural garden-landscape garden(natural park with flowers, trees and bushes). In GB they have often hedges, we have fence.
The garden changes with seasons:
- spring- crocuses, primroses, snowflakes, daffodills…the nature Wales up after winter, trees have buds, they are in blossom-fruit trees estecially-apple tree, apricot tree, cherry tree, pear tree…
- summer – it is the best season of the zdar, many flowers bloom-roses, tulips, dahlias, peonies, carnations, gladiols, irises…; in medows tere are daisies, posies, dandelions…
- shrubs: lilac, wild rose, blackthorne…
- evergreen trees:pine, fir, larch…
- deciduous trees:poplar, elm, willow-tree, maple, oak, beech…

2. conservation of wildlife
In the nature there exit many habitats which are neccessary for individual animal species(wood, field, watercourses, river, sea..). Problem is that these habitats are very often polluted and destroyed by man-grooves disappear, waters are polluted, people build new cities, routes, factories …I tis very important for present generation to conserve wildlife."


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