"Great Britain
Official name of this country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .It consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Area is 244 000 square kilometres and it has population of 60mil.
London is capital city of England and also of GB. It's the largest city in GB. It is the 9th largest city in the world. The City is the oldest part of London. Attractive places in London they are: Buckingham Palace is the oficial London residence of the Queen., Houses of Parlament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, The British Museum is the largest museum in the world,Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in London. Next large city's are Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, Liverpool, Sheffield, Newcastle, Edinburg, Cardiff etc. The capital city of Scotland is Edinburg, the capital city of North Ireland is Belfast and the capital city of Wales is Cardiff.
Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy with the Queen as the head of state. The supreme law – making body in the country is Parliament. It consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. British parliamentary system is one of the oldest in the world, it developed during 13 th century.Head parliament and prime minister is Tony Blair
The official language is English, of course. Other languages are Gallic and Welsh, witch are spoken in Scotland and Wales. British currency is pound witch has got 100 pence. British currency is also Euro, because GB is in Europe Union.
Natural conditions: Grampiany (about 1300 m.n.m.)
River: Themes, Severn, Lake: Lochness
Island and islands: Hebrides, Orkneje, Shetland, Man
Colony: Gibraltar
Climate: mild seaside
Economy: 5. alive in arithmetic made product
Industry: metallurgy, machine, motor-car, bus, electrotechnics,textile (Manchester),
Agriculture: animal husbandry
Cereals :wheat, rye, barley
Beard:beefraising and sheep, fishing (succession, haddocks)
GB has got a lot of artists and important persons. For example William Shakespeare, Beatles, Winston Churchill etc. GB is interest at sport. For example GB has got great football players and athletes."
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