1. | Vzdělávací systém ve Velké Británii
1.1. | Základní a střední školy
2. | Vzdělávací systém ve Spojených státech
2.1. | Základní a střední školy
3. | Vzdělávací systém v České republice
3.1. | Základní a střední školy, univerzity
"Children in Britain start school at the age of 5 years. Primary school is divided into infant schools for children between 5 to 7 and junior schools for children aged 7 to 11. Children in infant schools are taught elementary subject – reading, writing and arithmetics (3 R) but most of the time they spend on games and training in good habits. In the junior school the curriculum includes other subjects e.g. English, mathematics, history, science, geography, and physical training.
About 80% of pupils attend comprehensive schools. They are non-selective schools, which provide secondary education for all the children. Besides comprehensive schools there are selective grammar schools for gifted children with good results at primary school.
In Britain are private schools and boarding schools. Some of public schools have a high reputation, the most known are for instance: Eton, Winchester, Rugby, Harrow and many others. These schools are not subsidized by the state, therefore the school fee is very expensive.
Students can take final examinations at the age of 16- these examinations are called CSE- Certificate of Secondary Education, or at the age of 18- GCE- General Certificate of Education. There are two levels of examinations “O” level – ordinary level, and “A” level – advanced level. To enter a university “A” level examinations are required.
The known universities in Britain are the Oxford University and the Cambridge University. They were founded in the 12th and 13th century. Despite the high fees, the competition for admission is extremely fierce, only one of ten candidates can be taken on the basis of his successful entrance examination. Some scholarships are provided for the most gifted students. Provincial (Civic) Universities (“Redbrick”) were known are Birmingham, Bristol, Durham, Leeds, Leicester, Manchester and Sheffield. After 1960 some new universities were opened: Sussex, York, Essex a.s.o. they are not called provincial, but national universities.
Children in USA go to Elementary school between ages of 6 and 12. Secondary education is for children between ages 12 and 18 (Junior High School – up to age of 15, Senior High School – up to age of 18). High Schools are comprehensive non-selective schools for all children. Higher education at Junior Colleges is for children between ages of 18-20.
Junior Colleges are mostly local colleges established in many smaller communities, which enables students to spend their first two years in their home town.
Universities and colleges (state or private) provide professional education. The most famous as well as the most expensive universities are Harvard University (the oldest university in the USA – founded in 1636), Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University, and Massachusetts University of Technology (M.I.T.).
Our primary school which is compulsory attend children between ages 6 and 15. They learn reading, writing and arithmetic. At the age of 15 they might go to the secondary school or to school, which is called gymnazium, or they start to studying special 8 years form of gymnazium in the age of 11. At both the secondary school and gymnazium you take final examination. After it we can go to university and then (usually after 3 or 4 years) we gain a honour: Bachelor, Master and so on… Than you can continue (for another 2 years) to get a honour Doctor of philosophy or Doctor of science. Our best known and oldest is Charles university, which was found by king Charles IV. in 1348. Another well-known university is Masaryk’s university there are 2 technical universities in Prague and Brno.
After the secondary school (and gymnazium) we have to pass the leaving examination, called maturita. It´s been taken in May from 4 subjects. First is Czech language and literature it consist of 2 parts, written, when you have to write short story, and oral, which focused on to literature."
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Číslo práce: | 22469 |
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Typ školy: | SŠ |
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Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ne |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2006 |
Počet stažení: | 266 |
Velikost souboru: | 9 KiB |
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