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Washington, D.C.

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka na téma Washington, D.C..


1.Washington, D.C.
3.The city plan
5.Places of interest - the National Mall, The Capitol, The White House, Pentagon, Memorials atd.


"Washington, D.C. is a capital city of the United States of America. It is situated on the Potomac river between the states of Virginia and Maryland. The place was chosen by president George Washington himself and the city was also named by him.
The population is around 618 000 and Black Americans outnumber the Whites.

The city was first called the Federal City, but after Washington´s death it was renamed in honour of him. Until the Civil War it was one of the slowest growing cities. After the Great Depression, president Roosevelt created a series of programs called the New Deal. Thanks to it many new buildings were built and people got work. The city started to grow.

The city plan
The city is divided into 4 quadrants (Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast) and in the center, there is the Capitol. Streets running from the north to the south are numbered and those running from the west to the east are marked by letters. In addition, there are also diagonal streets, which are named after the 50 American states.

In Washington, there are 3 airports, the major is called the Washington National Airport. There is also a subway system, which consists of 5 lines and for longer distances you can use bus or train. The central railway station is called the Union Station.

Places of interest
Washington, D.C. is one of America’s most visited cities. It is not just the seat of the federal government, Supreme Court and the President of the United States. There are also many places to visit. Many of them is located on or nearby the National Mall, simply called the Mall, a large open area in the centre of the city. It spreads between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. "





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