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Rodina a přátelé - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Vypracovaná maturitní otázka z angličtiny uvádí téma rodiny a přátel. Zabývá se příbuznými a důležitými rodinnými událostmi. Charakterizuje vztah k rodičům a nastiňuje problémy, které mohou v rodině nastat. Popisuje nejen blízkého kamaráda, ale také ideálního partnera a případnou budoucí rodinu.


Blízcí a vzdálení příbuzní. Svatby, narozeniny a ostatní rodinné události
Vztah k rodičům a ostatním rodinným příslušníkům. Vzájemné problémy
Popis blízkého kamaráda. Ideální partner, budoucí rodina


"C) Describe a close Friend; Your Ideal partner, Your Future Family

I dont have many true friends but those who I have are very important for me and I know they help me when I will need it. The one of them is my class-mate Bara. Shes 17 years old, quite tall but very slim – she could be a model. She has short straight and brown hair. Her eyes are penetrating, large and brown too. She is a pretty woman to look at. She undestand my problems so she is very helpful, reliable and sensitive. When we are together we can talk about everything. But above all I like doing shopping with her. Is very difficlut to explain wha  But Bara knows it.
My ideal partner – well, its very creatove topic  He should be had short,brown hair and big, penetrating eyes, narrow lips, the height of averahe height, tall and muscular. He should be earn very much money, he should be had prosperous job, luxory car and apartment on Saysceli. That sounds nice. But what is important is that loves me and respect me. I want a man who is nice, clever, who is succesful and satisfied. I can be lucky because I have this one. His name is david and we are together and happy more then one year.
My future family. Im just 17 but i know what I want yet. I will share with my fiance for 3-4 years. After we will get marriage and we will stasrt building the house near prague. Until we aprove the house we start with conception. The childbirth is very painful and I dont undergo more times and because of this i want have twins. Boy and girl. The boys name will be david and the girls Ema. I dont know if my husband will agree but it will be his problem.
This is my wish. If this wish performs me it shows time.
I would like to have a family like ours. My parents agree that the men a women have certain roles in the family. |A woman should rise a children and a man should be able to repair some households equipements nut they prepare meals together, look after us, do shopping, spend and save money and organioze their leisure time.
I hink that the most important things of marriage are toleration, confidence and respecting each other."


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