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Banka - struktura a historie - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Vypracovaná maturitní otázka velice stručně popisuje bankovní strukturu. Věnuje se také historii bankovnictví.


Bankovní struktura
Organizační struktura
Department manager
Historie bankovnictví


"Bank Structure

The structure of the bank depends on its size. There is always a head office, or sometimes called headquarters. Each banka usually has a branch network, which can consist of branches and sub-branches.

Each bank has a different internal organisational structure, depending on the size and type of business. However, the following divisions should be part of every commercial bank: credit administration division, international and domestic banking operations, treasury and accounting, finance operations division, investment division, information services, marketing division, and human resources. These divisions or sectors can be arranged in a completely different way. Each of them has departments, sections and teams.

Organisational structure

Board of directors Supervisory board


Chief Executive Officer (president)

Vice-president Vice-president Vice-president Vice-president
Finance Administration International Banking Human Resources

Departement Manager:
Treasury Peronal Loans Credit department Personnel Training
Branches (odvětví) are organised in a completely different way because they serve as selling points(slouží jako místo prodeje), the places which serve customers and make the principal profits of the bank. The most important part is a front office with counters where customers open or close their accounts, deposit or withdraw money, and so on. Then there is a back office where transactions are processed."



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