> Seminárky/Referáty > > Zeměpis na virtuálních univerzitách - anglicky

Zeměpis na virtuálních univerzitách - anglicky

Kategorie: Pedagogika, Humanitní cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce seznamuje s virtuálními univerzitami v zahraničí, na nichž je realizována výuka zeměpisu. Klade si za cíl zmapovat současný stav virtuálního vzdělání v zeměpise. Snaží se najít společné vlastnosti e-kurzů, porovnává jejich průběh v ČR a anglicky mluvících zemích. Velký důraz je kladem na postavení ČR v on-line geografii na světě.


Geographical eCourses on the Virtual Universities


In significant English speaking countries virtual universities cooperate at one platform. The platform in Canada is Canadian Virtual University, in USA ADEC (The American Distance Education Consortium). The system in UK is different. The Open University, one of the oldest virtual universities in the world (since 60's of 20th century it exists as a correspondent school), occupies dominant position in the British eLearning space.. Nevertheless, there are several virtual universities without geographical eCourses in the UK. The Australian system is similar to the one used in the Czech Republic (vide infra).

In English speaking part of Northern America (incl. French speaking regions) geographical eCourses are provided by 7 Canadian and 16 American universities. 23 universities altogether offers 95 geographical eCourses, 37 of them is being learned in Canada and 58 in USA. Description and division of eCourses in particular universities can be observed on graphs 1.
If there were mentioned British universities (only one with geographical eLearning), it is necessary to say that that it runs 7 geographical eCourses. Geographical eLearning in Australia is even worse because geographical programs does not run via eLearning form in general. Moreover, platform joining virtual universities does not even exist in Australia. That complicates the analysis of Australian eCourses. In addition web platforms of Australian universities are very faulty. From this point of view the comparison of Czech eSpace with these 4 English speaking countries could be very interesting (graph 1), because three Czech Virtual Universities afforded 82 eCourses.

Content microanalysis of platforms in chosen English speaking countries and Czech Republic shows (considering limited content of article) that in spite of Czech Republic isn´t as populated as chosen countries, Czech position in educating geographical eCourses is dominant. This conclusion is very surprising if we consider that overwhelming majority of this courses is provided only by three universities - University of Ostrava, University of Brno and University of Liberec (graph 1).

Statistically (according to number of the population) in Czech Republic fall 160 000 per one eCourse whist in USA it´s 520 000, in Canada 900 000 and in UK even 8 500 000 inhabitants per one eCourse. Analysis shows progressive trend of Czech eLearning, although we can speculate upon real progress of Czech geographical eLearning (it wasn´t aim of this article), but in reality Czech’s geographical eLearning is now very progressive in the comparation with the advanced English speaking countries. It should be interesting theme for next analysis. As well should be interesting translation Czech’s geographical eCourses or their titles to English-language, because in the Czech’s version are neglected in research of English speaking specialists. Adumbration of this Czech’s phenomenon in short summary was also objective of this article. "


Obsahuje graf.
Katedra Sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje - Přírodovědecká fakulta Ostravská univerzity v Ostravě.



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