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Moje město/vesnice Milevsko - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Otázka se zabývá vesnicí Milevsko. Nejprve uvádí plusy a mínusy bydlení na venkově a ve městě, poté zmiňuje základní informace o Milevsku. Charakterizuje jeho historii, památky, školy, i kulturní život.


Pluses an minuses of liveing in the countryside and in the city
Basic info about Milevsko
Cultural life


"SIGHTS. Although Milevsko is a small town, there are some interesting sights. The Premonstratensian Monastery is the oldest monastery of Bohemian south. It comes from the end of the 12th century. The regional museum is situated in there. The public can go to see about six occasional exhibitions every year, for example „History of Town Milevsko“ or „Visual Arts of 15th - 19th century“. A new tradition is „The Granite Symposium“. Every year in the middle of the summer sculptors from all over the world exhibit in the Bažantnice-park. Another interesting building is St. Gilles Church. It comes from Romanesque, but it was rebuilt in 14th century. There stands St. Bartholomew Church in the square. It was build in Pseudo-Romanesque. There is also a synagogue in Milevsko. It is the unique connection of Empire and Cubism. There are a lot building near the square. For example the Old Townhall No. 1. There are an information centre, a gallery, a bank and a public library with a lot of books, magazines and records situated in the building.

CULTURAL LIFE. Cultural life in Milevsko is concentrated round the Cultural House: there také place threatre performances, concerts and balls, which are attended by many people every year. There is also a cinema in Milevsko with attractive films every night. The most important custom of our town is a traditional fancy-dress parade at the Shrovetide time every year. There also are a lot of sporting facilities at present, there is a sports stadium, an ice-hockey stadium, the house of Sokol and a sports hall. The most popular sports in our city are ice-hockey, football and modern gymnastics.

SCHOOLS. There are two primary schools in Milevsko, a high school and a secundary school, which was restored the last summer.

SHOPS. There are also a lot of small shops and supermarkets in Milevsko. You can find there 4 supermarkets – Albert, Penny Market, Plus and Tesco. There was a possibility to build one more supermarket at the place where the bus station is, but there took place a referendum and the project was voted out.

I like about Milevsko that it isn’t a big town. It’s something between a villige and a city, but it isn’t as boring as a village and as noisy and dirty as a city. All things considered,, Milevsko is a very nice town."



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