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Kanada - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tato maturitní otázka se věnuje charakteristice Kanady. Nejprve uvádí stručné informace o tomto státu jako takovém, poté se zabývá jeho historií a geografií. Jmenuje také zajímavá místa, která určitě stojí za to navštívit, a stručně je popisuje.


Zajímavá místa Kanady


"- Canada is a constitutional monarchy, a federal state, a democracy with two official languages
- federal parliament is responsible for national defense, interprovincial and international trade, immigration, banking and monetary system and criminal law
- each province has its regional government – this is responsible for educational system, property and civil might, administration of justice, hospital system, social security, health and municipal instalations
- the British Queen is represented by Governer General
- the Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Commons, represents legislative
- the Cabinet (vláda) represents real executive
- Canada is divided into 10 provinces (New Foundland, Ontario, British Colombia, .. ) and 3 teritories (Yucon, North/West teritories)
- is a member of major organization: British Commonwealth, United Nations, UNESCO, NATO
- the symbol is a maple leaf = forests, red stripes = blood from the W.W.I., white colour = snow

- education – public (free up to secondary schools) or private
- it’s compulsory from 6/7 to 15/16
- 80 percent from gross domestic productis spent on education
- high schools have two streams – first is preparation for universities, second is post-secondary education
- students pay for universities and post-secondary education only 18 percent

- Canada belongs to G7
- has extremely rich sources of raw materials (suroviny) : uranium, zinc, silver, nickel, alluminium, natural gas
- produces 67 percent of the world newspaper paper, 40 percent of the world uranium production
- two thirds of people are employed in services
- inflation remains pretty low
- main industries are wood and paper, food, mining (gas, oil, uranium), chemical, ship and machine building
- has lot of electrical power – the main source is water
- 7 percent of the land is suitable for farming, farmland are preries
- it’s second largest exporter of wheat
- agricultural products are live-stock (dobytek), dairy products, leather products, vegetables, food, tobacco"



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