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Brno - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tato maturitní otázka se věnuje městu Brnu. Nejprve se zabývá jeho vznikem a geografickou polohou, poté uvádí informace z historie. Připomíná také místní významné památky, a stručně je popisuje.


Brno has been occupied
Old town hall
Cabbage market


"The nearly 60 years old motor-sport tradition in Brno has resulted in a new modern motor-sport area - Masaryk Circuit.
The Kníničská Dam on the Svratka river is one of the oldest river dams in our country. The dam offer many sports and recreation possibilities to swimmer, rowers, yachtsman and other.
The ŠPILBERK castle was founded in the second half of the 13th century by the kink Přemysl Otakar II. In the 14th century the castle was the residence of the Lucemburk clan. In the 17th it was recontructed in a big fortress. The original purpose of the famous casemates was to serve as a shelter of the garrion, its armaments and other materials. The emperor Joseph II. decided, that jails for murders, robbers and other dangerous individuals will be estabilished there. The most famous among them was Baron Trenk. In Špilberg, not only ordinarycriminals were imprisoned, but also those who fight for human rights andd liberty of nations. Now the Špilberg serve as a museum.
Characteristic of brno´s skyline is the silhoulette of PETROV. The St.Peter and Paul´s cathedral with its two high towers is the oldest church in the town. The exterior is Gothic and interior is Baroque.
OLD TOWN HALL - The portal with its statues of herolds and burghers and its allegory of Justice is the work of Anthony Pilgram. In the main entrance you can see the notorious Brno dragon and the wooden wheel.
The only preserved medieval gate to the city is the „Měnínská brána“
CABBAGE MARKET - The centre is dominated by a large fountain of the name Parnas. There is an artificial cave in the middle of the fountain, above the cave there are allegorical sculpture of Europe, Persia, Greece and Babylonia.
Capucin square is dominated by church and the convent."



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