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Móda a oblečení - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka uvádí téma móda a oblečení. Zamýšlí se nad tím, zda jsou lidé posuzování dle oblečení. Informuje nejen o typech stylů a materiálů, ale také o designu. Vyjmenovává barvy, střihy, druhy spodního prádla, i sportovního oblečení. Zmiňuje obuv a pokrývky hlavy. U některých slovíček je v závorce uveden český překlad.


Are we judged by our clothes?
Fashion - meaning
types of styles
Types of matrials
Design of clothes
Sports wear
Head gear


"There is a certain style which people prefer to dress : extravagant, casual (běžný),sport, hip-hop, disco, emo and so on…
People can base their opinion of you on what you are wearing and we have probably judged people by their clothes, too.
Your clothes can make you look like a tramp or a person likely to succeed.
We should choose what´s appropriate for specific occasions, jeans may be fine for school, but you wouldn´t wear them to church or to a wedding.
Very important is select what looks good on you, an outfit that looks great on our best friend may not suit us at all.
If a style is popular, but it doesn´t fit us, it´s not going to help our apperance, so we should be honest with ourselves.
Finally be yourself. Try to not let the fashion industry dictate our life, not only is it too expensive, but also our style should reflect our personality, not someone else´s.
There are lots of acceptable styles in the stores, and one of them is just right for us.
I like shopping, I enjoy it, I´m very pleased when I buy something new, but sometimes it is very expensive so I can´t buy it, because I don´t make money, so my cousin always says me: You can stop counting you money and crying over that you can´t buy it, because the hottes design ideas are in own wardrobe and they don´t cost anything.
Old clothes and shoes can be turned into interesting new models. She is very creative and she has got a sewing machine.
One time, she looked through her wardrobe and she found some silk pyjamas with blue roses all over them, that was a gift from an aunt whom she has never liked very much. During I was watching tv she started to work and 2 hours later she came to me and looked like amazing. She made a beautiful dress from these old pyjamas, it was incredible…
Clothes can be made from different materials such as cotton, wool, leather, silk, sateen, flannel, corduroy, fur, denim.
Clothes can be loose or tight, water-proof, crease(nemačkavý),washable, non-iron., tailor-made clothes(oblečení šité na míru) or ready made clothes(konfekční oblečení)
Design of clothes
Plain (bez potisku,nebo vzoru) or patterned (vzorovaný)
Striped (pruhovaný) , dotted (tečkovaný) , spotted (puntikatý) , checked (kostkovaný) , flowered (květovaný)"



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