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Oblékání - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: V této maturitní otázce z angličtiny se autor zamýšlí nad typickým oblékáním žen a mužů. Nejdříve popisuje, co sám rád obléká a poté argumentuje co nosí muži, ženy a děti a při jakých příležitostech. Na konci práce píše o oblečení, které si sám bere na zimní či letní dovolenou.


My typical clothing
Mens typical clothing
Womens typical clothing
Childrens typical clothing
My clothing on holiday


"When a gentleman wants a new suit or trousers he goes to a tailor who takes his measurements and makes the suit or trousers for him. But a lot of men prefer buying ready-made clothes, because they are much cheaper. As for me I am not very particular about what to wear. I usually buy ready-made clothes, sometimes I have my trousers made to measure.
Now I would like to talk about women’s clothing. Fashion plays a more important role in the life of women than in that of men. Women like to be well dressed because they want to impress other women or the opposite sex or for their own sake. They often spend a lot of money on beautiful and fashionable clothes. Their dresses can be made of different kinds of cloth (material) – e.g. wool, cotton, silk, velvet, artificial fibers. Wool is more expensive than cotton but it is much lighter and warmer. The wearing of a certain kind of sloth depends on the weather and the season of the year. Some women make their dresses themselves but most of them have them made by a dressmaker or they buy ready made clothes. Women wear underwear, made of silk or artificial silk, a dress or a blouse and a skirt, a pair of stockings or tights and a pair of shoes. If it is cold some women like to wear a trouser suit consisting of trousers and a jacket. They can also wear trousers, a blouse or a jumper and a cardigan. In winter women wear a winter coat, an anorak or a fur coat, a hat or a fur hat, gloves and winter shoes or boots."



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