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Jídlo - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tento text se zabývá typickými jídly a stravovacími návyky v České republice, Velké Británii a USA. Snaží se jednotlivé kuchyně porovnávat. Nejrozsáhlejší je česká kuchyně, naopak americké je věnováno pouze několik řádků.


Složení české, anglická a americké kuchyně
Typicky česká jídla a pití
Stravovací návyky v
Stravovací návyky
Stravovací návyky
Typická americká jídla


“The british usually start work and school later in the morning than we do, so they have a lot of time to enjoy their morning meal. Typical English breakfast begins with a cup of tea in bed early in the morning. Then they have a leisurely breakfast. Traditional breakfast consists of porridge with a topping of maple syrup, a dish of fried bacon and eggs, fried sausages and tomatoes or ham, buttered toast and marmelade. They usually have acup of tea with milk, coffee or orange juice.
In the middle of morning they usually haven’t more than a cup of coffee and biscuits. English lunch is smaller than the Czech one. It’s usually just a quick sandwich. A typical Sunday lunch is much more similar to ours, it can be a steak or roast lamb with broccoli and other vegetables and gravy. As a dessert they have hot apple pie with ice cream or fruit salad.
At about 4 o’clock is a teatime. It’s a social occasion. They eat sandwiches and jam tarts and several cups of strong tea with milk.
Dinner is the main meal of the day, so it’s usually hot. It’s eaten at 6 or 7. Popular evening meals are minipizza, French fries, fish sticks, pasta or soups. The national English food is steak. Another popular dish is fish and chips wrapped in newspaper and eaten in the street.

In the USA is the most important breakfast and dinner. For breakfast they eat muffins, doughnuts, pancakes etc.
For their lunch they usually go to fast food restaurants. The most famous is McDonald, Burger King, KFC and Pizza Hut.
Americans very often have dinner in a restaurant, use a distribution of pizza or they have frozen oven-ready foods.
Ethnic minorities in the USA often keep the eating habits of their native countries and some of their foods have become popular even in whole States – e. g. Italian pizzas and spagherri and various Mexican and Chinesse food.
Typical American food is e.g. hamgurger, pizza, sandwiches, steaks, chinesse food etc."



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