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Skotsko - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka přináší základní informace o Skotsku, stručně seznamuje s jeho historií i geografií. Vyjmenovává významná města, všímá si zemědělství i průmyslu. V poslední kapitole se věnuje hlavním skotským tradicím, představuje například sportovní klání známé jako Highland games, zmiňuje se o národním svátku Burns Night či o hře na skotské dudy.


Zemědělství a průmysl
Tradice, zvyky, svátky


"Special features: own international football team, independent educational system, special holidays, traditions

History: The Scotland was never conquered by Romans because they never got over the Hadrian's Wall, which protected Romans against wild people from Highlands called „Picts“. In Medieval this land became an independent united state and it was often fighting against England. But in 1603 the Scottish king James VI Stuart settled at english throne as the King of England James I because last Queen Elisabeth I Tudor didn't have any heir (dědic). So the England and Scotland were united. But the last battle between these countries was many years later. 16th April 1746 Scotts with Bonnie prince Charlie Stuart in head revolted against Brittish royal family Hanovers from Germany, especially against George II. Charlie colected his army and took part in Battle of Culloden, but he failed. (Goerge forbade to wear kilts as the reason of victory. It came back into fashion when George IV visited Scotland in 1820 and dressed up a kilt.)

Scottish heroes: William Wallace, Rob Roys

Geography: North of Great Britain, part of the fourth country of UK. Scotland is mountainous country – the North West highlands, the Grampian Mts., the Southern Uplands. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis (1343) in the Grampian chain (=range). The mountains raise from sea level, they are sheer (příkrý) and bare (holé). You can find there lot of woods and glenn lakes. The most famous is Loch Ness, the biggest is Loch Lomond. They are mostly iceberg origin and cold very much as same as scottish rivers. The longest ones are the Clyde, Tay, Firth and Dee. Very known is Caledonian channel going through the Scotland and used for ship transport. It also has a dramatic coast line and many islands (e.g. Staffa, Iona) where you can go by ferry (trajekt). The west coast is influenced by Golf stream – there is warmer climate than in the rest of Scotland which is cold, windy and wet. People usually live in a coastal area, in lowlands, where have some gracings (pastvina) for their cattle.

Towns: Invernes, Glenfinnan
Edinburgh – is placed in firth (=mouth) of River Forth
Glasgow – built on River Clyde
Selkirk – a town where keep tradition of riding horses and showing Scotland's independence

Industry & Agriculture: produce of peat that is used instead of coal and wood like fuel, fishing, bagpipes making industry, textile – kilts, wool, knitwear industry, raise sheep, grow crops, whiskey – for production is used barley, water from crystal streams and peat as a fuel – the peat smoke gives to whiskey special taste. It is made in malt (sladovna). We can separate two kinds of whiskey – blanded whiskey (= mixed) and single malt whiskey (one type).
/ crafters = farmers; craft = small stone cottige"



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