> Maturitní otázky > > > Moje oblíbená kniha a literatura - maturitní otázka anglicky 1/2

Moje oblíbená kniha a literatura - maturitní otázka anglicky 1/2

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka se věnuje četbě a jejímu významu v životě. Popisuje autorův vztah k literatuře, zmiňuje se o jeho oblíbených dílech a také uvádí několik důvodů, proč lidé nečtou v takové míře jako v minulosti. Další maturitní otázku naleznete zde Politický systém v USA, Velké Británii a České republice - maturitní otázka anglicky 2/2.


Autorův vztah ke čtení
Význam četby
Proč lidé nečtou
Fantasy literatura
Autorova oblíbená četba
Egypťan Sinuhet
Stephen King


"My favorite book and reading

To be frank this topic is really my cup of tea, because I’m fond of books and reading is one of my hobbies. And when I find some interesting book, I read as much as possible. At the bus stop, in the school, at home by eating or before going to bed. As for way of the borrowing books, I prefer to borrow books from the libary, because I can’t afford every book, which I would like to read. Sometimes my friends or members of my family can lend me some book too. I am convienced, that reading is very important part of human life. Some of them read books just for pleasure, or when they want to learn something, others take book as good way to relax. It also can extend your vocabulary and imagination. For most people is reading a form of escape from daily ruitine.

But on the other hand. Nowadays people don’t read so much as in the past. When we ask them WHY, their usual answer is: I have no time, I´m too busy, I don´t like books, or reading is not necessary for my life. They prefer watching TV, video, Internet, making sport or many other activities. They consider a time spent with book as wasted. Of course, there are also many people, who think that
At first I would like to say, that I have only one favourite book, which is the best for me. Nevertheless I have read a few that I’ll never forget.

When I was smaller I was crazy about fantasy literature. Like almost every child I have read every volumes of Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling. Than I read another fantasy books such as Eragon. This book is about dragons and there are many unhuman creatures in the book. There can be find elfs, sprites, wizards and many others. So this kind of literature I used to prefer, when I was small.

But by beginning of my secondary education I started to read many different kinds of literature. One of the reasons for choosing some books was, that our Czech teacher (Mrs. Ročňová) can attractivly narrate about the plots of many interesting books, so always when something impressed me, I went to the library and I borrowed it. In this way I have read many good books."



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