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Globalizace - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka zpracovává v anglickém jazyce problematiku podmínek a dopadů globalizace. Na definici jevu a stručné vystižení jeho vývoje navazuje shrnutí projevů a vlivů globalizace v nejrůznějších oblastech lidské činnosti, v němž zvláštní místo patří výčtu vlivů negativních. Práce je poté zakončena představením argumentů zastánců a kritiků globalizace.


Definice globalizace
Kulturní projevy globalizace
Projevy a dopady globalizace v dalších oblastech
Negativní vlivy globalizace
Podpora a kritika globalizace



Globalization is a process in which we connect different culture, economy, market and societies together.

We don´t know exactly when the globalization began. An early form of globalized economics and culture existed during Hellenistic Age where the big cities such as Alexandria, Athens and others were the centres of trade.

The Age of Discovery (15. – 16. century) brought a change in globalization:
• Africa and America were explored.
• The most famous explorers were f. e. Christopher Columbus, Vasco de Gama, Thomas Cook, Amerigo Vespucci,...
• The silkworm, tobacco, tangerines, potatoes and other unknown things were brought from new countries.

In the 19th century Great Britain became the first global economic superpower.

Since World War II. politicians wanted to break down borders in trade to increase prosperity and to secure the peace in the world.

During the Modern globalization was founded the institution called the World Trade Organization. This organization promoted free trade by the contract GATT.

Cultural effects
In the world we can find a lot of culture aspects.
One classic culture aspect is food. America is known for its typical food – burgers and fries, Italy for its pizza or spaghetti, France for its cheeses or wines, Japanese for its noodles.
Some food companies are known worldwide, f. e. McDonalds, KFC.

Other classic culture aspects are internet, book – Bible, cars, clothing with famous brands (f.e. Louis Vuitton, D&G).

Globalization affects the world different ways such as
• Industrial - in the world arise production markets,
• Financial - in the world arise financial markets,
• Economic - the global common market is realized and it based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital,
• Informational - information flows between geographically remote locations are increased,
• Language - f. e. about 50 % of all Internet traffic uses English,
• Technical - Global Information System, Internet, wireless telephones and others are developed.

Negative effects
Globalization has negative effects too, f. e.:
• Effects on disease – it helps to spread infectious diseases, AIDS, HIV, pig flu
• Effect on income disparity – a study reports that the richest 1 % of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000
• Effect on environmental degradation,
• Food secure,
• Drugs,
• Illicit goods trade,
• Sweatshops.

Supporters of free trade say that globalization increases economic prosperity. They promote a globalization.

It´s a political term.
Critics argue that:
• Poorer countries suffer by disadvantages.
• Exploitation of foreign impoverished workers.
• Weak labor unions.
• Increase exploitation of child labor."


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