> Seminárky/Referáty > > Lillian Hellman: The Little Foxes - anglicky

Lillian Hellman: The Little Foxes - anglicky

Kategorie: Nauky o anglickém jazyce, Divadlo

Typ práce: Eseje

Škola: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci Filozofická fakulta, Olomouc

Charakteristika: Krátká esej, která seznamuje čtenáře s obsahem hry od americké spisovatelky Lillian Hellman, zároveň odpovídá na otázku, jež se vztahuje k chování a jednání jedné z postav.


Hra The Little Foxes
Charakter a chování postav, Alexandřina vzpoura


"The Little Foxes (1939) is a play consisting of 3 acts written by an American female Jewish writer
Lillian Hellman. The setting of the play is situated in Alabama in 1900 and deals with the themes of
a struggle for control of the family business and the non-existence and unscrupulousness of the
characters in the play who demonstrate their consumming greed, lack of humanity and the ultimate
wanting for a revenge. The play often uses citations from the Bible such as the song of Solomon
(2:15): “Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.”


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