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The United Kingdom

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Gymnázium Jiřího z Poděbrad, Poděbrady, Studentská 166, Poděbrady

Charakteristika: Vypracovaná otázka na téma Spojeného království uvádí základní informace o zemi, věnuje se jeho geografii a podnebí, zmiňuje i politický systém a ekonomiku. Nakonec předkládá několik zajímavých míst, o kterých byste se mohli u maturity zmínit.


The UK
Interesting places


"The British flag known as the Union Jack represents the three kingdoms of the UK: England and Wales (the red cross of St George), Scotland (the diagonal white cross of St. Andrew) and Northern Ireland (the diagonal red cross of St Patrick). The crosses are on a blue background. The flag in its present form first appeared in 1801. The most abundant religion is Anglican church (57%) The UK is constitutional monarchy
o Official head of state is a king/queen – now the Queen Elizabeth II. (she’s head of Anglican church, too). She’s got four children – Charles, the Prince of Wales; Andrew, the Duke of York; Edward, the Earl of Wessex; and Anne, Princess Royal. Her husband is Prince Phillip
o The Queen’s eldest son Charles married Princess Diana. After Diana’s death in a car crash In Paris, journalist started to pay closer attention to her two sons – Prince William and Prince Harry. Prince Charles got married a second time – with Camilla Parker Bowles, the Duchess of Cornwall.
o Prince William’s wife is Kate Middleton
o Parliament is divided into two houses: House of Lords and House of Commons
o The Prime Minister is David Cameron (Conservative Party) Agriculture:
o 9% forest
o 75% arable (orný) land
o animal production: cattle (dobytek), sheep, pigs, poultry (drůbež)
o crops: wheat, barley, sugar beet (cukrová řepa), potatoes Industry:
o Cars – Vauxhall – Rolls Royce
o Shipbuilding in Glasgow, Liverpool or Portsmouth
o Aircraft – Luton, Isle of Wight
o Energy: 75% thermal power stations, 26% nuclear power stations The UK mine iron-ore and coal, in the Northern Sea there are gas and oil wells Places to know where they are:
o Islands and archipelagos: Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Hebrides, Orkneys, Shetlands, Channel Islands (In English Channel  don’t use La Manche)
o Cornwall peninsula
o Mountains: Grampian Mountains, Scottish Highlands with the highest mountain of the UK Ben Nevis (1344 m), Cambrian Mountains with the second highest peak of the UK Snowdon (1085 m) in national park Snowdonia, Pennines
o Rivers: The Thames, Severn,
o Lakes: England – Coniston, Ulls Water, Windermere, Scotland – Loch Ness, Lock Lomond, Ireland – Lough Neagh
o Cities: London, Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast"





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