> Maturitní otázky > > > My town: Poděbrady

My town: Poděbrady

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Gymnázium Jiřího z Poděbrad, Poděbrady, Studentská 166, Poděbrady

Charakteristika: Vypracovaná otázka na téma Mé město uvádí základní informace o Poděbradech a jejich historii. Nakonec předkládá několik zajímavých míst, o kterých byste se mohli u maturity zmínit.


Interesting places in Poděbrady


"Historical small spa town in Elbe Lowlands of about 14 thousand inhabitants It lies on the river Labe 50 kilometres (31 mi) east of Prague on the D11 highway (it is located on an old trade route from Prague to eastern Bohemia) An ancient community and a small fortress originated near the ford. It is most likely that the position of this community is reflected in the present name of the town: Poděbrady – "pode brody" = below the ford. The earliest written records of the name Poděbrady date from the middle of the 12th century. In 1351 Charles IV gave Poděbrady to the nobleman of Kunštát. Poděbrady experienced its greatest period during the life of George of Poděbrady, who was elected Czech king in 1458. A historic milestone in the life of the town was the year 1905, when the German estate owner Prince von Bülow visited it. This well-known water diviner found in the inner courtyard of the castle signs of a strong spring, which was later bored to a depth of 97.6 metres (320 ft)  Poděbradka:
o The discovery of carbonic mineral water resulted in the opening of the first spa in 1908.
o After World War I Poděbrady rapidly changed into a spa town which from 1926 specialized in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, rapidly gaining renown not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad in countries including Austria, Germany, Russia and the United States.
o The water contains iron deposits; if left over the course of a few days a rust-like deposit will settle at the bottom and will stain plastic bottles.
o There are seven free public taps where people are able to obtain Poděbradka.
o There is also a refined version of Poděbradka that is not as heavy with the iron deposits that can be purchased from most stores in the Czech Republic.
The chateau and the King George Memorial
o Poděbrady chateau underwent numerous reconstructions in the past. The oldest parts of the stone castle, which now house the King George Memorial (KGM), date from the mid-13th century. The latest Baroque Classicism style reconstruction dates from mid-18th century.
o Only three interiors in the whole chateau are now accessible to the public, namely restored medieval chapel, the neighbouring so called Family hall of King George and small cellarage (sklepení) with many cannon balls.
o The rest of Poděbrady chateau belong to Charles University, foreign students learn the Czech language here."





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