> Maturitní otázky > > > Bydlení v USA a Velké Británii - anglicky

Bydlení v USA a Velké Británii - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Vývoj amerického bydlení od raného osídlení až po současnost. Jak američané přistupují k architektuře a dekoraci svých domovů. Život v tradiční britské vesnici, vzhled jejich domů. Vznik slumů, jejich nahrazení mnohapatrovými domy, které později nahrazují nízkopodlažní budovy. Detached a semi-detached houses. Ceny bydlení v Británii. Užitečná slovní zásoba - Apartment house/building, ranch house, split level, two-story house, duplex, bungalow, trailer.


Bydlení v USA
Bydlení v UK
Užitečná slovní zásoba


"In US there are many different sizes and styles of apartments and houses, in every city, small town, and village. The early settlers in America usually made houses out of wood, because the lands were covered with thick forests. As the country began to develop, houses were made of wood, brick, or stone. After World War II the US government tried to help every returning soldier find work and buy his own little home. Then, owning your own home became an ever bigger symbol of individual rights, independence, and the ability to live your own life exactly in the way you choose.
In cities and towns, people own private homes or apartments. In small towns, and the countryside, they might own an apartment or home, a farm, or a ranch. The way you decorate your home both inside and outside – whether artistically, traditional or modern, or quite crazily – is a very important statement of your individuality. Not many Americans own a summer cottage; they would think that Czechs who do must be very rich. However, almost every American can own his own home – a symbol of freedom for them."



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