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Slovensko - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce charakterizuje Slovensko a zabývá se jeho pamětihodnostmi, kulturními památkami, přírodními krásami a známými slovenskými osobnostmi.




" Slovakia is rich in naturals beauties as well, so this coutnry attracts many tourists in every season of the year. The turists who are interested in sports visit our sport centres mainly in the highest mountains of our country – the High Tatra and the Low Tatra, where they can see a lot of lakes among the largest and the deepest of them is Great Hinca Mountain Lake. The highest peak of Slovakia is Peak of Gerlach. Slovakia is largely a mountainous country, but there are three plains: Záhorská Plain, Sub-Danube Plain and Eastern Slovakia Plain.
The biggest river is the river Danube and the longest one is the river Váh.
There are the well-known river dams, too: Orava Water Dam, Zemplin Dam, Liptov Dam and Big Domaša Dam.
Among a lot of caves in Slovakia the most visited are Demäňovská Ice Cave, Dobšiná Ice Cave and Demäňovská Cave of Freedom.
There are several national parks and protected regions in Slovakia such as the High Tatra, the Low Tatra, the Little Fatra, the Giant Fatra, the Muráň Plain, Poloniny, the Upper Orava, Kysuca, Poľana, the Nitra Valley, the Štiavnica Hills, the Slovak Paradise and the Slovak Karst. The Slovak Paradise and the Slovak Karst belong among the truly rare regions in central Europe.
Some turists come to Slovakia to heal their diseases and illnesses (Slovakia has a lot of mineral and termal springs) to our world famous spa – Piešťany, Trenčianske Teplice, Rajecké Teplice, Bardejov etc."


Psáno anglicky. Velmi stručné. Text je špatně strukturovaný.



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