> Maturitní otázky > > > Móda a oblečení - anglicky

Móda a oblečení - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Referát pojednávající o módě a módních trendech. Zaměřuje se na vývoj oblékání, oblečení pro různé příležitosti, sezónní oblečení a nakupování. Poslední část popisuje autorovo oblíbené oblečení.


Dělají šaty člověka?
Mužské a ženské oblečení v minulosti
Oblečení pro různé příležitosti (sport, práce, party)
Sezónní oblečení
Oblíbené oblečení


“ The clothes is very important thing in human life but I think that clothes do not make a man because I think that love make the man. Each of us wants to be very good looking but each of us have a different taste.
A lot of years ago, there was a big different between man´s and woman´s clothing and fashion. For example women were not allowed to dress a trousers. It was something unimaginable to see a women dressed in something else then skirt.
Nowadays I think that there is not different in clothing for sports occasions for men and women. Women can dress a trousers or trousers suit but men wear trousers as well. A few years ago it would be unimaginable. A lot of us have a job and we have to choose our clothing. For example a man that works as a director in successful company has to dress a suit but a man that works as a worker in factory can dress for example T-shirt and jeans. I like the best my jeans and T-shirt.
For different occasions people dress differently because it is our business what will we wear.
Just imagine that you come to a big party in Birmingham palace in a jeans and T-shirt. It would be incredible. But try to think about it what would you wear. I think that only suit is suitable for such occasions.
Big problem is also with summer and winter clothing. We cannot wear only jeans and T-shirt or shirt. So when the winter comes we usually look for our anoraks and sweaters."


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