> Maturitní otázky > > > Ostrava - maturitní otázka anglicky 8/9

Ostrava - maturitní otázka anglicky 8/9

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o vypracovanou maturitní otázku z angličtiny, která představuje slezské město Ostrava. Zmíněn je její historický vývoj a současné památky, ale také instituce, které ve městě jsou a autorova oblíbená místa. Předchozí maturitní otázku naleznete zde Česká republika - maturitní otázka anglicky 7/9, následující Spojené státy americké - maturitní otázka anglicky 9/9.


Historie Ostravy
Památky a místa návštěv
Sportovní vyžití
Vzdělání v Ostravě
Volný čas


"There are elementary schools, Secondary Technical schools, Grammar schools, Secondary Medical schools, Commercial (komeršl) Schools and Vocational schools here.
In Ostrava there are two universities:
VŠB – This University moved to Ostrava from Příbram after the Second World War. Students can study there at 6 faculties – the economy faculty, the electronical and informative faculty, the mining-geological faculty, the metallurgical faculty, the building faculty and the mechanical faculty. VŠB is a technical university.
Ostrava University – has 4 faculties – the philosophical faculty, the pedagogical faculty, the natural history faculty and the faculty of health.

Medical care in our town is provided (je poskytována) by polyclinics, hospitals, first aid stations and first aid servise

In Ostrava there are many types of the schools. It is the necessary to improve the environment, to decrease (digrís-snížit) atmospheric pollution (znečištění vzduchu) and to enlarge (zvýšit) green areas in the city center.
In Ostrava is the biggest problems unemployment.

The town of Ostrava has changed very much in the last years. Banking and servise industries have also been developing very quickly. In the centre there are sevral department stores, a lot of shops, many restaurants, bers and places for entertainment.

The most important Moravian spa is Luhačovice. There are springs there used for treatment of respiratory tract (respirejtry trekt-k léčbě dýchacího traktu) and other diseases. The best known spring is Vincentka. Vincentka is bottled and sold in shops.
Not far from Ostrava there is a spa Klimkovice too.

In Ostrava there exists a developed network (rozvinutá síť) of trams, buses and trolley buses and there are some several railway stations. They connect this region with other towns and other countries. Not far from the city there is the Mošnov airport ensuring (enšuring-poskytující) national and international servis."



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