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Základní překladatelské termíny - rusky
Huntington, Samuel: Politický řád v měnících se společnostech
Finanční řízení podniku: otázky ke státní zkoušce
Karel Čapek a kol.: Hovory s Antonínem Švehlou (a o něm)
Kategorie: Angličtina
Typ práce: Maturitní otázky
Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu
Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka science and technology je psána formou souvislého textu. Nejdříve se zaměřuje na nejvýznamnější vynálezy v lidské historii, které jsou rozděleny do daných období. Dále popisuje jak a čím věda změnila naše životy k lepšímu, a naopak v čem nám škodí.
1. Inventions
a) The age of stone and metal tools
b) The 8th and 9th century
c) The 18th and 19th century - industrial revolution
2. Science and its influence on our life
3. Computers
a) History
b) Software
c) Hardware
Úryvek z práce:
"Secondly, new technologies have improved working condition. Hard work is done by machines such as robots and directed by computers, which is easier for people. Computers also improve the efficiency of our work.
But on the other side, new technologies bring an increase in the number of people who are made redundant and become unemployment.
Thirdly, developments in technology can provide better medical access to make people live a healthier and happier life. In the past decades, we have witnessed a rapid development of new technologies in medicine. New medical equipment, like the lasers used in surgery or microsurgery, is more efficient and shortens and amount of time a parson has to spend in hospital after having an operation.
Thanks for architects and engineers, we can live in a warm comfort house, we also use air-conditions and heating systems there. New technologies are everywhere. Our households are equipped with modern appliances, such as refrigerators and freezers, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, dishwashers, microwave ovens, computers, v sets, stereos ad DVD and video players. All these appliances and entertainment equipment have made our lives much easier and more comfortable.
Technology has not done good deeds only in those areas. We can utilize technology to increase the quality and quantity of plants. The food industry has also been influenced by scientific and technological advances. Genetic engineering is used to produce more and better grains, fruits and vegetables. People used to think it was a good idea, but today public opinion has change and some people refuse to buy genetically modified food, as they are afraid of its side effects.
Not least, technology provides us many choices to spend our spare time. We can listen to music, surf the Internet or watch digital movies."
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Nápověda pro zákazníky Telefónica O2:
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Nápověda pro zákazníky T-mobile:
Platba kartou. Pro započetí platebního procesu prosím vyplňte kontrolní kód a stiskněte tlačítko "Zaplatit"
Po proběhnutí platby budete přesměrováni zpět na tuto stránku, kde najdete odkaz ke stažení práce.
Po odeslání kontrolního kódu budete přesměrováni do platební brány ČSOB, kde zadáte údaje potřebné pro platbu. Platbu dokončíte stisknutím tlačítka "ZAPLATIT".
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