> Seminárky/Referáty > > Princip duality a duplicity v Posledním Mohykánovi - anglicky

Princip duality a duplicity v Posledním Mohykánovi - anglicky

Kategorie: Literatura, Humanitní cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce na příkladech ukazuje a vysvětluje principy výstavby románu Poslední Mohykán.Vysvětluje komplementární a kontrastní postavení jednotlivých postav, kmenů, národů, jazyka a víry. Vše je doprovázeno citacemi z anglického originálu.


Komplementárnost a kontrast
Cora a Alice
Heyward a Sokolí oko
Magua a Ánfas
Delawareové a Huroni
Angličané a Francouzi
Místní názvy v anglickém a francouzském jazyce
Katolismus a protestantismus


“The theme of duality is one of the themes which has been abundantly used in literature throughout centuries. The term itself stands for “the condition or fact of being dual, or consisting of two parts, natures, etc.“ and is close to the philosophy term ”dualism“ which claims that there are two fundamental entities in the universe, existing often in contrast. On the other hand, duplicity refers to a notion of “two faces”, to deceitfulness reflected usually in a person whose intentions are not honest and who plays a double game.
In my essay, I would like to focus on the interpretation of individual features of duality and duplicity employed in the James Fenimore Cooper’s novel The Last of the Mohicans.
The whole novel’s structure of the eighteenth century epic adventure is literally interwoven with references on the principle of duality, and therefore it is possible to find many features of this principle in layers of the narrative. In reference to layers, there are several of them and they could be divided according to the following criteria. The most recognizable feature of duality is undoubtedly the duality of individual characters. Some of them are complementary, others are put in contrast, usually to emphasize differences of the given cultural background.
The Colonel Munro’s daughters Cora and Alice Munro are a perfect example both of complementarity and of contrast. At first we can compare their physical appearance which is an already striking feature if we take into account that there are sisters, however, only half-sisters – they have a father in common, but different mothers. Their complementarity is based on the representation of two different ideals of a feminine beauty. Cora is raven-haired, of dark complexion which she owes to her mother, a mulatto of Caribbean origin, and has dark brown eyes whereas Alice with her blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and a delicate charm is a perfect embodiment of a typical sentimental heroine. When it comes to personalities of the girls, they stand in a considerable opposition. Cora is defined by courage, wisdom and a strong individuality which makes her a very active character almost equal to the male ones. Alice is rather passive and in great need of protection. Basically, she is entirely dependent on the help and advice of others, including her sister: “Here, then, lies our way,” said the young man, in a low voice. “Manifest no distrust, or you may invite the danger you appear to apprehend.” “Cora, what think you?” asked the reluctant fair one. “If we journey with the troops, though we may find their presence irksome, shall we not feel better assurance of our safety?” “Being little accustomed to the practices of the savages, Alice, you mistake the place of real danger,” said Heyward. “If enemies have reached the portage at all, a thing by no means probable, as our scouts are abroad, they will surely be found skirting the column, where scalps abound the most. The route of the detachment is known, while ours, having been determined within the hour, must still be secret.“ “Should we distrust the man, because his manners are not our manners, and that his skin is dark!“ coldly asked Cora.”
This short scene from one of the initial chapters of the novel allows us to discover the nature of the characters quite quickly. We learn that Alice is a very faint-hearted person which is a quality that characterizes her throughout the novel and that Cora has tendencies to defend the Indians, probably based on the fact of her origin. In conclusion, Colonel Munro´s daughters have significant differences in terms of personality but this fact does not disturb their sisterly affection. Therefore, they can be considered as complementary with the remark that Cora is the stronger one whose task is to protect and guide the weaker Alice. During the quoted initial scene in forest, we encounter another character – Major Duncan Heyward."


Anglo-americký literární esej psaný na dílo amerického spisovatele J.F.Coopera - Poslední Mohykán.



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